Design Professor Co-Authors Book on Design Thinking for a Regenerative Future

A new book about the importance of design thinking for a regenerative future grew from a conversation at Syracuse University between two like-minded visionaries. In September 2018, world-renowned futurist and thinker David Houle ’69, a graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences, visited campus to deliver the keynote speech at the College of Visual and Performing Arts’ fall convocation. As part of his visit, he spent time with students in the School of Design and met James Fathers, a professor of design who was serving as the school’s director at the time. The two have now co-authored a book, “The 2020s: The Golden Age of Design and Redesign” (Houle and Associates, 2021), which emphasizes the need for designers to use new ways of design thinking to solve critical issues that face our planet, notably climate change. Read more.